John Greenly (AJ Sloan), a businessman, is on the verge of panic due to his impending missed flight. Similarly, Max Richardson (Dillon Diaz), a university Dean, finds himself late for the same flight. Both men get to the airport just as their plane departs. A visibly upset Shadow dials his wife’s number, while Max, maintaining his composure, decides to wait in a lounge for the next available flight. John joins Max in the lounge shortly after. As they wait, their conversation is filled with flirty glances and compliments. This piques John’s interest, leading him to ask Max a bold question. Seizing the moment, Max uses this opportunity to manipulate John, revealing that he isn’t who he appears to be.
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This website contains content with nudity and explicit representations of sexual activity. By accessing this site, you certify that you are at least 18 years old or the age of majority required in the jurisdiction from which you are accessing the website, and you consent to view such content.
Disruptive Films
Missed My Flight
John Greenly (AJ Sloan), a businessman, is on the verge of panic due to his impending missed flight. Similarly, Max Richardson (Dillon Diaz), a university Dean, finds himself late for the same flight. Both men get to the airport just as their plane departs. A visibly upset Shadow dials his wife’s number, while Max, maintaining his composure, decides to wait in a lounge for the next available flight. John joins Max in the lounge shortly after. As they wait, their conversation is filled with flirty glances and compliments. This piques John’s interest, leading him to ask Max a bold question. Seizing the moment, Max uses this opportunity to manipulate John, revealing that he isn’t who he appears to be.