Every Christmas, renowned drag queen, Sherry Vine, welcomes her chosen family to her home, with Damian Night and Presley Scott being the first to arrive. Finding themselves alone in their room, Presley, donning a Santa hat, performs a risqué striptease that quickly transitions to him pleasuring Damian. He then prepares for Damian to engage in intimate activities with him. Presley, desiring more than just the holiday spirit, makes himself available for Damian’s advances. The encounter progresses across the bed until it culminates in the release of their shared holiday excitement.
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This website contains content with nudity and explicit representations of sexual activity. By accessing this site, you certify that you are at least 18 years old or the age of majority required in the jurisdiction from which you are accessing the website, and you consent to view such content.
Falcon Studios
Cum All Ye Faithful: E01
Every Christmas, renowned drag queen, Sherry Vine, welcomes her chosen family to her home, with Damian Night and Presley Scott being the first to arrive. Finding themselves alone in their room, Presley, donning a Santa hat, performs a risqué striptease that quickly transitions to him pleasuring Damian. He then prepares for Damian to engage in intimate activities with him. Presley, desiring more than just the holiday spirit, makes himself available for Damian’s advances. The encounter progresses across the bed until it culminates in the release of their shared holiday excitement.