In the latest release from ColbyKnox, Colby Chambers arrives home with a bouquet of roses to surprise his husband, Mickey Knox, on their 6th wedding anniversary. However, Mickey has a bigger surprise waiting. Upon entering the house, Colby finds Mickey naked, blindfolded, and wearing noise-cancelling headphones.
Written on Mickey’s buttocks is ‘Happy Anniversary’. After testing and confirming that Mickey can’t see or hear him, Colby begins to give his husband an intimate surprise. Their celebration includes lots of intimate touching, and ends with both of them expressing their satisfaction. The scene concludes with a heartfelt exchange of ‘Happy Anniversary’ wishes.
Colby Knox
Anniversary Surprise
In the latest release from ColbyKnox, Colby Chambers arrives home with a bouquet of roses to surprise his husband, Mickey Knox, on their 6th wedding anniversary. However, Mickey has a bigger surprise waiting. Upon entering the house, Colby finds Mickey naked, blindfolded, and wearing noise-cancelling headphones.
Written on Mickey’s buttocks is ‘Happy Anniversary’. After testing and confirming that Mickey can’t see or hear him, Colby begins to give his husband an intimate surprise. Their celebration includes lots of intimate touching, and ends with both of them expressing their satisfaction. The scene concludes with a heartfelt exchange of ‘Happy Anniversary’ wishes.