Finley McClean (portrayed by Adam Awbride) has become exceedingly protective of his stepfather, Ronnie Shepherd (played by Dale Savage), who is a widower. Since the passing of Finley’s mother, he’s urged Ronnie to remain indoors. Despite the pandemic easing and life resuming normalcy for many, it hasn’t for Ronnie. According to Finley, it shouldn’t.
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This website contains content with nudity and explicit representations of sexual activity. By accessing this site, you certify that you are at least 18 years old or the age of majority required in the jurisdiction from which you are accessing the website, and you consent to view such content.
Disruptive Films
Mad World
Finley McClean (portrayed by Adam Awbride) has become exceedingly protective of his stepfather, Ronnie Shepherd (played by Dale Savage), who is a widower. Since the passing of Finley’s mother, he’s urged Ronnie to remain indoors. Despite the pandemic easing and life resuming normalcy for many, it hasn’t for Ronnie. According to Finley, it shouldn’t.