Colin Pippin (Jesse Stone) harbors a deep infatuation for his stepbrother Lincoln Green (Trevor Brooks). His obsession with Lincoln is so intense that he seeks any possible connection. Colin has a peculiar habit of sneaking into Lincoln’s room post-masturbation, wearing the used sock for the rest of the day. Upon discovering Colin’s secret, Lincoln confronts him, leading to a heated argument and an intense sexual encounter.
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This website contains content with nudity and explicit representations of sexual activity. By accessing this site, you certify that you are at least 18 years old or the age of majority required in the jurisdiction from which you are accessing the website, and you consent to view such content.
Disruptive Films
Keep Him Clothes
Colin Pippin (Jesse Stone) harbors a deep infatuation for his stepbrother Lincoln Green (Trevor Brooks). His obsession with Lincoln is so intense that he seeks any possible connection. Colin has a peculiar habit of sneaking into Lincoln’s room post-masturbation, wearing the used sock for the rest of the day. Upon discovering Colin’s secret, Lincoln confronts him, leading to a heated argument and an intense sexual encounter.