I Must Cum In Your Mouth to Get Rid of Your Impure Thoughts
To join The Order, past behavior is irrelevant—there’s always room for improvement. Consider Arno Antino, for instance. While obedient and well-behaved, his impure thoughts reveal a significant sexual transgression. To prove his worth, Chuck Conrad, the leader, must conduct an initiation where Arno releases all his sexual tension, allowing Chuck to fuck his tight asshole and cum in his mouth, reinforcing his commitment to the brotherhood.
Missionary Boys
I Must Cum In Your Mouth to Get Rid of Your Impure Thoughts
To join The Order, past behavior is irrelevant—there’s always room for improvement. Consider Arno Antino, for instance. While obedient and well-behaved, his impure thoughts reveal a significant sexual transgression. To prove his worth, Chuck Conrad, the leader, must conduct an initiation where Arno releases all his sexual tension, allowing Chuck to fuck his tight asshole and cum in his mouth, reinforcing his commitment to the brotherhood.