Wyatt, also known as Carter Woods, has secretly desired Cory, played by Dante Colle, from a distance. When Wyatt and his close friend Sloane Flint, portrayed by Ana Foxxx, unexpectedly meet Cory and his wife Amaya Potts, played by Maddy May, Wyatt’s attraction intensifies. They plan to spend time together, raising the possibility of Wyatt turning his fantasies into reality. However, Amaya is still very much involved in the situation.
As Wyatt follows Cory to a bathhouse, he begins to realize how much Cory wishes to escape his current life, including his marriage to Amaya. While inside the bathhouse, Wyatt loses sight of Cory but becomes intrigued by the idea of a three-way encounter with three attractive men: Jay Tee, Blain O’Connor, and Roman Todd. This becomes a tempting distraction for Wyatt.
Disruptive Films
For You, I Will: Part 02
Wyatt, also known as Carter Woods, has secretly desired Cory, played by Dante Colle, from a distance. When Wyatt and his close friend Sloane Flint, portrayed by Ana Foxxx, unexpectedly meet Cory and his wife Amaya Potts, played by Maddy May, Wyatt’s attraction intensifies. They plan to spend time together, raising the possibility of Wyatt turning his fantasies into reality. However, Amaya is still very much involved in the situation.
As Wyatt follows Cory to a bathhouse, he begins to realize how much Cory wishes to escape his current life, including his marriage to Amaya. While inside the bathhouse, Wyatt loses sight of Cory but becomes intrigued by the idea of a three-way encounter with three attractive men: Jay Tee, Blain O’Connor, and Roman Todd. This becomes a tempting distraction for Wyatt.