Careful: your OnlyFans’ users have access to your location
We recently discovered a flaw on OnlyFans and would like to alert all creators publishing on this platform.
Indeed, the Hello Boys user community, and more generally the gay community across the world, massively use OnlyFans to follow their favorite pornstars.
OnlyFans keeps metadata of the content you publish
When you post a picture on OnlyFans, it embeds the metadata associated. Those metadatas are intended to describe the photo: brand of the smartphone or camera, informations about the sensor, shooting date, etc.
Nowadays, every recent camera and smartphones also print GPS coordinates in these metadatas: that’s what we call a “geotag”. It is nothing more than the geolocation coordinates allowing to define the place of shooting.
The failure of OnlyFans in terms of confidentiality and privacy
OnlyFans spread ways to fight against downloading and dissemination of creators’ content to prevent a leak of income. Despite this, as a creator on OnlyFans, you should keep in mind that users can easily download your content.
By choosing to not delete the metadatas contained in the posts of their users, OnlyFans unintentionally harms your privacy and lets the geotag within range of your fans.
An easy way to delete your geolocation on OnlyFans
We’ve made a short video to show how easy it’s for users to get this kind of data, as sensitive as they are. We reveal as well an easy way to remove the geotag of your future publications.
Our will is not to blame OnlyFans but to alert their teams in order for them to bring a solution as soon as possible. We also wanted to warn the pornstars using this platform about their vulnerability.